Younique Income Disclosure
Because of this it can be hard to know how much you can expect to make when you sign up. Younique doesnt release any income disclosures like a lot of MLM companies do. Got Blocked Today On Fb Antimlm Low Income Potential. Younique income disclosure . Most as weve discovered from our sums above will be lucky to earn 14 a month with Younique. The younique foundation 47-2535198 see schedule o x x 2120344. This financial document provides ACTUAL INCOMES received by Presenters from Younique. They want to hide how little their presenters are actually earning. The income disclosure obtained from 2016 Younique SEC Filings shows that 95 of people who join and purchase the Younique makeup starter kit failed to make money. Younique does not have an Income Disclosure Statement and this is a huge red flag. In fact the majority of people will never hit their income goal. There is no way for MLMs to report how much money was made from their members by selling physical products t...